Recommended requirements for IP cameras capture:

  • KVYcamBgr version: and later
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 (or its AMD equivalent) or more powerful
  • Frame size: 1920×1080 or less
  • Frame rate: 5 – 30 fps
  • Video formats: MJPEG, H.264, H.265
  • Audio formats: G.711, MP2L2, G.726, MP3, PCM, Opus

How to use this mode:

1. Call the wizard for creating the new source by menu command File/New source.
2. Set the type of source, as an IP camera:

3. Set the parameters of your camera in the next wizard window:

For URL definition you use the documentation of your camera or contact to its manufacturer.

4. After it follow the instructions of wizard. By finish you get the new source with the new properties:

The IP camera source is ready for work and full compatible with other modes of the program.
After the first start for RTSP the program asks you to confirm access to your private network. Do it:

Useful advices

1. Hikvision camera parameters for the wizard

Video compression: MJPEG
HTTP without Authentication:
http://[IP address of camera]:[HTTP port]/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/102/httpPreview
Use 102 for 1 camera and for 2 stream.
HTTP with Authentication:
http://[username]:[password]@[IP address of camera]:[HTTP port]/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/102/httpPreview

Video compression: H.264 and H.265
RTSP with Authentication:
rtsp://[username]:[password]@[IP address of camera]:[RTSP port]/Streaming/Channels/101
Use 101 for 1 camera and for 1 stream.

2. The “Update the parameters” property

You should use this button in Properties if you have changed one of these parameters of your IP camera: frame rate, audio or video format. After clicking this button, the program will check your camera and update these parameters. You can control this process in this window:

3. The “IP camera audio channel” property

Indicates the presence of a microphone in the camera in Properties. If there is no microphone, the program’s audio channel (KVYcam Virtual Audio Clip) will have no sound.

4. About the frame rate in the IP camera.

It is not recommended to set high or very low frame rates in the camera. Larger values increase Internet traffic and processor load. A video stream with a low value will be discarded by the TV server. The recommended value is 10 frames per second.

5. Recommendations for motion detection.

How to set the Motion detection here.

Frame size, set the maximum possible value: 1920×1080 or less.

Frame rate (FPS), set the maximum possible value: 30, 25 or less.

Exposure time (shutter). We recommend choosing the value that maximizes the time.To do this, use this formula:

shutter * FPS = 1sec

For example, if we have FPS=25, then we choose the shutter 1/25sec:

1/25 * 25 = 1sec

Motion detection threshold. For small objects (such as birds), choose smaller threshold values. For large (cars), use large values. But you should remember, a small threshold can cause false events. A larger threshold may skip controlled events. We recommend starting with 4.

Maximum detection distance, up to 30m.